A Knock About Life

Image of a swagman or knock about on an Australian postage stamp.

There are terms that describe the wandering from place to place, interest to interest. “Knocking about” is one of them. While I’ve had a steady job for a lot of years, my interests are ever changing. Even so, I’ve attempted to keep them related, learn deeply, and think about philosophical connections and practical uses.

This site is about that kind of lifestyle – curiously knocking about developing skills based on a shifting palette of interests. I’m calling it my “knock about life” — a life following a path of shifting intellectual curiosity from which emerge some interesting connections.

What will you find here? I expect there will be sections that serve as containers to topics I’ve found interesting. Inside those containers, I expect to develop posts that drill down to things I’ve learned. In doing this, I will not only document what I have and am learning, but in so doing learn more about it. There are some mantras around this:

  • It doesn’t exist if its not written down.
  • You never really learn something, until you teach it.

So, whether anyone reads this site, or not, it will be about relating what I’m learning by testing thoughts to experiences.